Late HS Candidates Meeting
Late HS Candidates Meeting
This meeting is for anyone who plans to run for Speaker of the House, President of the Senate, Youth Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State or Chief Justice. Link...
This meeting is for anyone who plans to run for Speaker of the House, President of the Senate, Youth Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State or Chief Justice. Link...
This training is for students who have been appointed as vice-chairs or clerks. Meeting Link: https://ymcaalliance.zoom.us/j/81803784330
This meeting is for students who are a part of the Late HS Assembly Media Team.
This meeting is for any student that is a part of the Lobbyist program for the Late HS Assembly.
This meeting is for any student that is a part of the Late HS Judicial Team.
This meeting is for volunteers/alumni who will be attending the Late HS Assembly.